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Using exchange traded funds (ETFs) offers a tax-efficient way of gaining market exposure, diversification, and trading flexibility.
Models are available in three predetermined risk profiles:
Conservative Model: tends to hold a larger percentage of fixed income assets compared to equity and alternative assets;
Balanced Model: tends to hold similar amounts of equity and fixed income assets, although this may change depending on our macroeconomic outlook;
Aggressive Model: tends to hold a larger percentage of equity assets compared to fixed income and alternative assets.The models are designed to add value through periodic asset allocation changes and the merits of specific ETF selection.
Investment Philosophy
ETF Asset Allocation Models seek to provide a balance between income and capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity, fixed income, and alternative asset Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). The model is actively managed by the team performing macroeconomic decision making, security selection, and risk management. The model promotes diversification by investing in uncorrelated asset classes using ETFs, such as domestic equities, developed market equities, domestic bonds, etc.
Investment Strategy
ETF Asset Allocation Models are managed to help meet clients’ financial needs through both asset allocation and security selection. Periodic strategy changes between asset classes or within asset classes are made based on economic and market expectations. Security selection and individual ETF identification are made considering factors such as expense ratios, trading volume, and how well they complement other ETFs included in the strategy.
Investment Team
John Longo, PhD, CFA
Chief Investment Officer
Christopher Shagawat, CFA
Senior Vice President
Portfolio Manager